Sustainable Economy Research Group (S.E.R.G.)
Sustainable Economy Research Group (S.E.R.G.)

Sustainable Economy Research Group (S.E.R.G.) at CentraleSupélec / Paris-Saclay University / Industrial Engineering Departement (LGI)

2021 Young Energy Economists And Engineers Seminar (YEEES)

CentraleSupélec and the French Association for Energy Economics (FAEE) are pleased to host the 28th edition of the Young Energy Economist and Engineer Seminar.

Organizers: Quentin Hoarau (S.E.R.G.), Yannick Perez (S.E.R.G.)

June, 2nd

  • Renewable Energy: Elisabeth Zeyen (KIT): Mitigating heat demand peaks in buildings in a highly renewable European energy system and Johanna Winkler (TU Berlin): The potential of sufficiency measures to achieve a fully renewable energy system – a case study for Germany
  • Nuclear Energy: Arthur Lynch (CEA): The stakes of nuclear planning optimization in electric systems operation with renewable energy and Björn Steigerwald (TU Berlin): Production costs uncertainties of SMR-concepts - A model-based Monte Carlo analysis
  • Market Design: Michiel Kenis (KU Leuven): Regulatory Incentives for Transmission System Operators under Flow-Based Market Coupling and Lukas Maximilian Lang (University of Erlangen–Nuremberg): Flow-based market coupling in multi-level electricity market models
  • Distributed Generation: Samir Jeddi (University of Cologne): The Impact of Network Tariffs on PV Investments -Regional Differentiation and consumers’ price perception; Clément Cabot (Mines ParisTech): Unfolding distributed demand-response through future-proof tariff design: Benefits and consumer reaction to future tariff design and Sabine Pelka (Fraunhofer ISI): A new governance design for household consumers in the energy system

    June 3rd

  • Market Design: Ellen Beckstedde: Strategic behaviour in flexibility markets: new games and sequencing options; Yueting Yu: Bidding and Investment in Wholesale Electricity Markets: Pay-as-Bid versus Uniform-Price
  • Buildings: Ardak Akhatova: Conceptual agent-based model of neighbourhood-level building retrofits based on Energiesprong approach; Esther Raineau-Rispal (Paris-Nanterre University): Why labels fail: Fraud on a market for credence goods with unobservable skill heterogeneity among experts
  • Oil & Gas: Sevkat Özgür (University of Vienna): Upstream Oil and Gas Mergers and Acquisitions: Domestic Transactions in the U.S; Emma Jagu (CentraleSupélec): Building infrastructures for Fossil- and Bio-energy with Carbon Capture and Storage: insights from a cooperative game-theoretic perspective
  • Renewable Energy: Martin Kittel (DIW Berlin): Renewable Energy Targets and Unintended Storage Cycling: implications for Energy Modeling; Davood Qorbani
    Sector coupling in the transition to renewable energies: The double edge sword impact of the household sector

    June, 4th
  • Distributed Generation: Tarun Khanna (Hertie School) Optimizing agricultural demand response for reducing costs of renewable energy integration in India; Anna Gorbatcheva (University College London): Peer-to-peer energy trading in Colombia: Insights into regulatory implications and scalable pathways from a real pilot project
  • Climate Policy: Theresa Wildgrube (University of Cologne): The effect of learning by doing on the optimal abatement path of EU ETS industries; Dominic Lencz (University of Cologne) The value of CCfD - Incentivizing low-carbon investments in certain and uncertain environments

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