Sustainable Economy Research Group (S.E.R.G.)
Sustainable Economy Research Group (S.E.R.G.)

Sustainable Economy Research Group (S.E.R.G.) at CentraleSupélec / Paris-Saclay University / Industrial Engineering Departement (LGI)

April 2024 Working Paper Days

The Working Paper Days is a bi-annual event organized by the S.E.R.G. to allow its members to present their current work to the team and get feedback. Each presentor receives feedback from a junior and a senior reviewer.

3 keynotes: 

  • Albert Banal Estanol (Pompeu Fabra University): "Common and Joint Ownership and Emissions Reduction: Evidence from the US Energy Sector"
  • Afzal Siddiqui (Stockholm University): "Climate Policy and Strategic Operations in a Hydro-Thermal Power System"
  • Nicolás Mariano Morell Dameto (Comillas Pontifical University) "Network tariff design with flexible customers: ex-post pricing and a local network capacity market for customer response coordination"


Paper presentations:

  • Kévin Favre (S.E.R.G and RTE) "Understanding the behaviour of renewables under long term contracts – the case for power system management" 
  • Matthieu Delacommune (S.E.R.G and EDF) "The consequences on capacity development due to imperfect risk hedging in a hybrid market architecture: a literature review"
  • Julien Ancel (S.E.R.G and Chaire 2conomie du Climat) "Demand response ownership in imperfectly competitive power markets: independent or integrated ?"
  • Marie Girod (S.E.R.G and RTE)" Reinforcement Learning for TSO interaction in European balancing markets"
  • Romain Presty (S.E.R.G and Chaire Carma) "The Economics of Carbon Dioxide Removal Technologies using Equilibrium Modelling"
  • David Lowing (S.E.R.G and Chaire Economie du Gaz) "Individual rationality in joint LNG purchasing"
  • Alexis Lebeau (S.E.R.G and EDF) "Interplay of CRMs and CfDs: The French Case in the Next Decade"
  • Emma Menegatti (FSR - KU Leuven) "Europeanisation of capacity mechanisms"
  • Coline Seralta (S.E.R.G and Openlab Carbon Economcs) "A literature review of economic incentives to upscale Carbon Dioxide Removal"
  • Camille Megy (S.E.R.G and Chaire économie du gaz) "Water-energy nexus: assessing the impacts of water constraint on power and hydrogen development in France"
  • Adrienne de Bazelaire (S.E.R.G and RTE) "Multi-horizon planning : can battery storage foster renewable integration in grid expansion planning ?"
  • Diego Cebreros (S.E.R.G and OpenLab Economie du Carbone) "Reasons for having data markets on smart grids"
  • Marine Kohler (S.E.R.G and Greenly) "Systemic measurement of methodological bias in GHG Assessments"
  • Emma Jagu Schippers (S.E.R.G and OpenLab économie du carbone) "Fair burden sharing for 1.5°C"
  • Arnault Guillotin (S.E.R.G and RTE) "What are the lessons from comparing US and EU clean hydrogen regulation?"
  • Diana Elhajj Sleiman (S.E.R.G and Ultimo) "Determinants of behavioral intention to use AV integrated in Mobility as a Service (MaaS) : insights for policymakers"
  • Adrien Nicole (S.E.R.G and Chaire Economie du Climat) "Financing CCS : A Bankruptcy approach"

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